Clip-Art Kool Moves and Flash - Related
.fun files presented on this site are original works made with Kool
Moves © 2004 Propellerhead-Graphix, PO Box 14, Capac, MI, 48014
Start by drawing a simple shape onto the stage. In this case, we are using a 100x100 px square (illustrated below).
Understanding Image Fills
Learn how to Fill a Shape with an Image in Kool Moves
The tutorial above may involve the use of some actionscript, html, and the like, but are not necessarily intended to teach them. These tutorials are intended to familiarize new users to the Kool Moves interface and contain simplified examples of how to perform specific tasks in Kool Moves as they would relate to the use of materials from this site. Suggested examples contained within these tutorials may not necessarily be the "best" way to accomplish a task, but they do accomplish the job at hand. These tutorials are not an attempt to copy already existing tutorials. In some instances, more detailed tutorials on actionscript and the use of the Kool Moves tool are available at the Support page on the Kool Moves web site.
When constructing a movie there may be times when you wish to fill a shape with an imported bitmapped image rather than a solid or gradient color. Filling a shape in Kool Moves is relatively easy, but getting the proper result requires a little knowledge of how the filling process works. The following lesson will show you the in's and out's of filling a shape with an image.
Now say you want to fill the sqaure shape with the image of a puppy. First you have to have the image of the puppy. So we go out and get an image of a puppy (shown below).
Notice that the image of the puppy is not the same size as the 100x100 square that you want to fill. This is an important fact to consider before you fill the shape with the image of the puppy. Here is why:
When you use an image to fill a shape, the image fill starts in the upper left corner of the shape and fills to the bottom right corner.
If the image is larger than the shape to be filled (which is the case for our puppy image), the image will truncate (cut off) at the right bottom corner of the shape.
The image is larger than the shape, so you lose the right hand side and bottom of the image (shown in gray)..
If the image is smaller than the shape to be filled the image will tile to fill in the entire shape (as shown below).
The ideal situation is to have an image the same size as the shape you want to fill. Most image editing software will allow you to crop and re-size images as needed before you import them into Kool Moves.
Image size equals shape size.
Smaller images tile to fill the shape.
Now that you understand a little bit about how the shape is filled, it is time to fill your shape.
Double-click your shape (the square) to open the Properties Editor, click Color/Fill to highlight it, then click the small square that appears to the right (shown below) to open the Shape/Fill dialog.
On the Shape/Fill dialog, select Image to open the dialog for adding an image.
Now click on the folder icon (shown below) to open the Windows Import Graphic dialog. Search for and select your image from your hard drive, then click OK to close the dialog and add the image to your shape.
Note: The above rules for truncating and tiling of images apply just the same when re-editing images or shapes that are already in use. Example: If you already have an image in use as a fill for a shape and wish to make a change to it, re-editing that image (changing the image dimensions outside of Kool Moves) then re-importing it back into Kool Moves and applying it to the same shape will change how that image displays within that shape, even if you use the same image file name. Kool Moves will not resize your imported image to fill the shape the same as before. You will most likely have to re-size the shape to accomodate the image's new dimensions.