

  Kool Clip-Art    Kool Moves and Flash - Related Tutorials

            All .fun files presented on this site are original works made with Kool Moves © 2004 Propellerhead-Graphix, PO Box 14, Capac, MI, 48014


KM Preloader
KM Preloader
After you have created your movie, click  Movie > Loading Message to open the Preload Movie dialog box.
The tutorial above may involve the use of some actionscript, html, and the like, but are not necessarily intended to teach them. These tutorials are intended to familiarize new users to the Kool Moves interface and contain simplified examples of how to perform specific tasks in Kool Moves as they would relate to the use of materials from this site. Suggested examples contained within these tutorials may not necessarily be the "best" way to accomplish a task, but they do accomplish the job at hand. These tutorials are not an attempt to copy already existing tutorials. In some instances, more detailed tutorials on actionscript and the use of the Kool Moves tool are available at the Support page on the Kool Moves web site.
Add a Preloader to your Kool Moves movie
If you create a Kool Moves movie of significant size, you may wish to add a Preloader to the movie as a courtesy to your dial up web viewers. Adding a basic preloader in Kool Moves is simple. Kool Moves will  automatically add two frames to the beginning of your movie as you create the preloader using the provided dialog. No knowledge of actionscripting is required.
Check the Preload Movie box.
Select the Text Message radial button.
Enter your Loading message into the text box provided.
Go to the Percent Preloaded box and enter in the amount (in percentages) of your movie that you want to preload before it begins to play.
To specify the text display options, click the Options button. Here you can specify text size, message color, font type, and style.
Note: If you have a not-so-long movie, you might want to preload a smaller percentage, like maybe 40%, so that viewers can begin to view the first part of the movie while the rest continues to load. For longer movies you might want to preload around 75% so that once the movie begins, no interruptions occur as the remainder of the movie streams in.
If you want a progress bar to visually display the amount of your movie that is preloaded, then check the Progress bar box.
To specify the progress bar display options, click the Options button. Here you can specify the width, height, positioning, and color of the progress bar.
When your preloader is completed, click OK to exit the Preload Movie dialog.
When you have set the options to your liking, Click OK to exit the options dialog.
When you have set the options to your liking, Click OK to exit the options dialog.
Note: Preloaders cannot be viewed from your local disk or tested with the Play in Web Browser option in Kool Moves. To test your preloader, upload it to a web page and view it as the movie downloads into your browser. If you see a mistake or want to make changes or adjustments to your preloader, you will have to clear your browser cache and re-upload to the web to view those changes.