What's new in KoolMoves flash animation software
What's New in KoolMoves | What's New in KoolWizard
Version 8.0.1 2/4/11
- Added a viewport metatag to Html5 export for proper display in mobile devices.
- Added missing frames per second data to Html5 export.
- Fixed the display of the date corresponding to the end of free upgrades.
- Fixed minor problem with timeline actions popup menu for Html5 gui mode.
- Fixed minor problems with several of the Html5 motion scripts.
- Fixed minor problems with the Html5 javascript files.
- Fixed problem with adding a Html5 motion script in the timeline for Html5 gui mode.
Version 8.0.0 1/2/11
- Added a new gui mode called Html5 for Mobile Devices -- export is Html5 using the new canvas tag, not yet supported by IE.
- Added single key short cuts for commonly used commands (select, fill, add text, scale, rotate, edit properties, edit frame action script).
- Fixed problem with copy/paste menu component to same frame.
- Fixed some AS3 problems associated with minimalComps package.
Version 7.5.1 8/23/10
- Fixed an AS3 export problem created in version 7.5.
Version 7.5 8/21/10
- Added ability to zoom by scrolling the mouse wheel.
- Added ability to have media player files and slide show files in a subfolder.
- Added letter H as a Pan shortcut.
- Added auto save preference.
- Added a mute button script to the AS3 script library.
- Eliminated a call to Math.random() in exported motion scripts (unless it is required) to address a Google ad restriction.
- Fixed an AS3 export problem involving static class variables that caused a serious runtime error in Flash player 10.1, primarily affecting Necro3D and TweenMax 11 classes.
- Fixed a Flash 9/10 export problem when there is an apostrophe in a media file name.
- Fixed a problem with setting the directory for previewing the movie after a file save.
- Fixed a number of minor AS3 export issues.
- Fixed a possible crash problem after cancelling a slide show slide property window.
- Fixed a Flash 9/10 export problem when a 3D effect is used that doesn't loop.
- Fixed Flash 9/10 export of a go-to-frame button action when the gui button is inside a movie clip.
- Fixed several scene problems.
Version 7.4.4 5/19/10
- Added a Window component but it is not yet integrated into the gui.
- Added temporary saving of start and end frames in "Play Portion of Movie" dialog.
- Made the texture file optional when importing a 3D model.
- Fixed another AS3 export problem associated with TweenMax 11.
- Fixed an export problem when there is an apostrophe in the label of a media player playlist.
- Fixed a "glyphholder is null" problem for at least one situation (motion script inside a library movie clip).
- Fixed the problem associated with error message "expected $st$ in CShapeMediaPlayer" when opening a fun file.
- Fixed a double quoted file name problem in exported html under certain circumstances.
- Removed unnecessary linefeeds from script section of exported html.
Version 7.4.3 4/19/10
- Freshened icons on tools toolbar.
- Added return to previous zoom and pan after editing buttons and movie clips.
- Fixed a problem with go to frame button actions when scenes and gui preloader are used with Flash 9/10 export (partial fix in 7.4.1).
Version 7.4.2 3/21/10
- Added a gui-integrated AS3 tree component with six skins.
- Fixed a button sound problem on Flash 9/10 export.
- Fixed an email-to button action on Flash 9/10 export.
- Fixed numerous TweenMax 11 AS3 export problems but TweenMax/renderTime problem still remains.
- Fixed several SVG import problems.
- Fixed swfobject.js to prevent FireFox from highlighting a Flash movie under certain situations.
Version 7.4.1 1/18/10
- Fixed a problem with go to frame button actions when scenes are used with Flash 9/10 export.
Version 7.4 1/10/10
- Added an AS3 menu component with three skins.
- Added an AS3 Script Library (toolbox icon in script editor, library contents in Bin\AS3\Script library) -- it is only partially populated and the search function is not operational.
- Added an option to embed an imported swf in object's property popup.
- Rearranged text and libraries icons on left toolbar.
- Changed Shapes on menu bar to Objects.
- Elevated flash export version to Flash 9 if certain objects (animated gif, 3D model, etc.) are present if not already exporting at that level.
- Fixed several AS3 problems.
- Fixed import of animated gif to reflect a change in the package path in the latest as3gif classes.
Version 7.3 11/5/09
- Added YouTube and Picassa support to the media player component.
- Added new code for importing path vector data in an eps file, replacing the previous approach using a third party dll which never worked.
- Added ability to carry forward previous slide information when adding slides to a slide show.
- Added support for assigning a hyperlink to a slide show image.
- Added an error message when a component skin can't be found.
- Added a message when adding a mov, mp4, 3gp file to media player playlist saying that only H.264 codec is supported by Flash player.
- Improved Diagnose Server Problems by adding more diagnostic information and renamed the menu item Diagnose Web Page Problems -- one of the most common support issues.
- Changed the action script code associated with exporting an AS1 motion script as Flash 9/10 to fix an occasional player error message but fix is uncertain.
- Fixed a problem with exporting action script containing XML under certain situations.
- Fixed an AS3 problem with using toString with an array variable.
- Fixed several problems with exporting Flash 9/10 buttons in certain situations.
Version 7.2.2 9/26/09
- Fixed a crashing problem introduced after version 7.0.2 when previewing KoolMoves library animations with Flash 9/10 export.
Version 7.2.1 9/18/09
- Added AS3 ButtonGroup class with documentation.
- Fixed a AS3 button export problem occurring under certain situations.
- Fixed a dynamic text field with Classic skin scroll bar export problem.
Version 7.2 9/2/09
- Added support for Flash 10 export (Flash 10 intrinsic classes are partially integrated).
- Added support for Vector type.
- Added Flash 10 filter classes in km.filters package and added to user interface.
- Added ability to import animated gifs and 3D models (.3ds, .ase, .md2, .obj) as objects.
- Added a new component called AudioVisualizer in km.components package.
- Added ability to set the skin for a dynamic text scroll bar (exported as Flash 9 or higher).
- Added shuffle property to MediaPlayer and SlideShow objects.
- Added fonts to symbol library.
- Added Advanced button next to minimum flash export version for setting minimum Flash version for exporting dynamic html text.
- Added links to support page tutorials for some of the context help pages.
- Changed Matrix3D to MatrixNecro3D in necro package to avoid conflict with Flash 9. Matrix3D intrinsic class (previous Matrix3D file in necro folder should be deleted).
- Fixed a problem with go to frame action (set through the action screen popup) when a preloader is used in Flash 9/10 export.
- Fixed a problem with exporting AS3 conditional expressions in certain situations.
- Fixed a problem with XML E4X involving a non-typed variable.
- Fixed a problem with Flash 9/10 export of buttons in certain situations.
- Fixed a problem in setting the minimum Flash version required for buttons with image states to compensate for a possible Flash player bug.
- Fixed a problem with different movie clips having the same class name.
Version 7.1 5/15/09
- Added support for XML E4X.
- Added support for namespaces in XMLList expression.
- Added import support for Necro3D in necro/plugs .
- Added two new media player skins, OrangeGreen and BlueSilver, with knobs for brightness and contrast control.
- Added an error message if nested functions are encountered.
- Added km.components.GUI_SoundButton class.
- Added support for singleton classes so SWF Studio's AS3 intrinsic classes now work.
- Fixed SpectrumAnalyzer, MediaPlayer, and GUI_MovieObject component classes.
- Fixed several AS3 export issues.
- Fixed a backslash space escape sequence issue.
- Fixed a preview window problem when inserting a KoolMoves movie into a Flash 9 movie.
- Fixed a symbol library problem when browsing KoolMoves movies prior to inserting one.
- Fixed a problem with buttons in the symbol library.
- Fixed a problem with literal functions as function arguments.
- Fixed a problem with searching for classes with no package name in the shared class folders.
Version 7.0.4 4/6/09
- Fixed export of movie clip in symbol library with same class name as an external class.
- Fixed case sensitivity issue associated with package file names.
- Fixed problem with type mismatch message associated with use of 'new' with a locally defined variable.
- Fixed assorted AS3 issues so org.gif classes and some other classes now run.
- Fixed display of Movie Overview after a button is deleted.
- Fixed some AS3 issues associated with private access modifier.
- Fixed a bug in km.components.Label class.
- Fixed an issue with helper classes.
- Fixed an issue with recast operation.
- Added bitmaps, sounds, binaries tabs to F11 symbol library.
- Added support for package level functions.
- Added support for static initializer blocks.
- Added support for const ENUM.
- Added a class -- km.display.SimpleTable -- for creating tables.
Version 7.0.3 3/18/09
- Fixed problem with literal function in class constructor.
- Fixed other assorted problems associated with getting the AS3 motion script engine to work.
- Fixed text field scroll bar problem if text field is missing in a frame.
- Fixed Flash 8 media player problem associated with file paths starting with .\.
- Added support for AS3 helper classes.
- Flash_proxy works sufficiently so TweenGroup now works.
- Added support for get/set frame functions.
- Added support for document class.
Version 7.0.2 2/3/09
- Fixed problem with AS3 export of large integer optional value.
- Fixed problem with km.components.GUI_VideoObject and added Numeric Stepper component.
- Fixed AS3 issues related to TweenMax 10.07.
- Fixed problem with Numeric Transform when an empty movie clip is on the timeline.
Version 7.0.1 1/29/09
- Fixed AS3 action script editor so it remains open after finding an error.
- Fixed problem with binary items in symbol library not being removed when a new project is opened.
- Fixed problem with exporting movie clip from symbol library.
- Fixed problem with AS3 MediaPlayer class, added chroma key functionality to km.components.GUI_VideoObject class, added loop functionality for imported flv files.
- Fixed problem with field width being too narrow for class name and base class name in symbol library.
- Fixed a duplicate instance name issue following the deletion of a prior instance with the same name.
- Fixed problem associated with opening a file containing a text overlay on a Media Player page.
- Fixed problem associated with opening a file containing a Media Player object with a motion path -- turned off motion paths for Media Player and Slide Show which weren't working anyway.
Version 7.0 1/18/09
- Added Flash 9 export with AS3 (actionscript 3) capability -- additional work is still required to get most public packages to run.
- Added a new set of components that are AS3-based -- Media Player, Slide Show, Content Pane, List Box, Combo Box, Check Box, Push Button, Slider, Scroll Bar, Switch, Spectrum Analyzer, Rich Text Editor, Date Chooser, Color Picker, Knob and a few more (Tooltip, Tree List, Radio Group, Drag Container, and Accordion) which are not integrated yet with the gui.
- Included a 3D scripting package called Necro3D in Bin/AS3/Classes.
- Replaced many of the program icons for a cleaner look.
- Improved the action script editor environment with frame navigation, more informative error messages, an icon linked to package documentation.
- Added additional AS3-based preloaders.
- In the swf export screen, added a display of files that need to reside on the server.
- Added a second javascript approach using swfobject.js for defining the swf file in the html file.
- Added Movie Loop option in a second place under Movie menu bar.
- Added Clear Edit Buffer option under Edit menu bar.
- Added a Cleanup option in the Symbol Library.
- Added a Binaries tab in the Symbol Library accessible from the action script editor.
- Added a skinned dynamic text scroll bar.
- Added saving of Numeric Transform dialog position.
- Added full screen mode as a html export option.
- Changed default for movie looping from true to false.
- Increased a swf export buffer from 2Mb to 3Mb.
- Fixed motion scripts and web interfaces that weren't Flash 8 compatible.
- Fixed a round off problem in displaying objects on the stage with zoom greater than 1.
- Fixed a refresh problem with the Symbol Library when a new project is opened.
Version 6.2.0 10/30/07
- Added ability to support HD video media files (.mp4, .m4v, .m4a, .mov, .3gp) in media player component -- the next Flash player update should fully support these formats.
- Added email button action.
- Fixed layout of navigation bar when application opens after previously resized smaller.
- Fixed placement of help icon in Media Player Skins screen when window is resized.
- Fixed Enter button in Website Web Interface.
Version 6.1.2 07/5/07
- Fixed problem introduced in 6.1.1 with motion script behavior with text.
- Fixed error message in Numeric Transform if -0.0 is entered for x or y position.
- Fixed error in Numeric Transform with "absolute all frames" checked if Apply pressed more than once.
- Changed behavior of script selection in Add Text screens so selection changes to script of user's country on font change.
Version 6.1.1 05/22/07
- Fixed problem with slight blurriness in images with a motion script effect for Flash 8 export; fix in 6.1 was not a good fix.
Version 6.1 05/17/07
- Added capability in exported html code to define a sub-directory for the swf and imported files.
- Added automatic display of Properties window after adding a component to the canvas.
- Added component methods and properties to action script editor's Add Syntax (plus icon) nested menus.
- Improved conversion of cubic bezier curves into quadratic bezier curves in SVG import.
- Fixed problem with load.as for ClassicTopList media player skin.
- Fixed problem with the value of Position/Scale property after adding an object to the canvas with the Properties window visible.
- Fixed problem with slight blurriness in images with a motion script effect for Flash 8 export.
- Fixed problem with playing FLV movies with dynamic text backward compatibility option turned on.
- Fixed crash problem when a 'catch' expression is in action script code.
- Fixed minor fill problem in SVG import.
- Fixed handling of large arcs in SVG import.
Version 6.0 04/16/07
- Added Media Player component with more than two dozen skins and other customizable features.
- Added Convolution Flash 8 filter effect.
- Added two slide options (embed/load and scale/crop) to the slide show wizard.
- Added option in Export Settings associated with jpeg quality to set compression scheme for exporting 24bit with alpha channel images.
- Added Motion Path property (more capability to follow).
- Added getURL(clickTAG) button action for Google ads.
- Added Flash 8 meta data for search engines.
- Added FlashVars parameter to html export.
- Added Scale/Resize to right-click popup.
- Added Edit Action Script to right-click popup and Frames menu.
- Added additional context help and improved others.
- Added several more task specific hints.
- Reorganized Transforms menu items for greater clarity.
- Disabled properties in Properties popup that are not available for button states.
- Fixed problem with disappearing object when the object has effects and is converted to a button.
- Fixed problem with typing in name of image file without an extension in file browser.
- Fixed Apply Transition checkbox problem in Content Pane content window.
- Fixed Swf File Statistics to display sizes in terms of the compressed file rather than uncompressed file.
- Fixed coloring problem with exporting 24bit with alpha channel images with jpeg compression.
Version 5.7.6 03/8/07
- Fixed problem with missing alpha channel when the same 32bit png is used more than once.
Version 5.7.5 02/27/07
- Fixed problem with a temp file being written my mistake to c root directory which is a Vista issue.
Version 5.7.4 01/24/07
- Fixed problem with using apostrophe in slide show caption.
- Fixed Play in Web Browser menu item so it is disabled inside a movie clip.
Version 5.7.3 1/15/07
- Fixed problem with KoolMoves opening briefly and then minimizing.
- Fixed problem with Cursor Blinking property of Cursor Write On motion script effect.
- Fixed font selection problem with Content Pane object.
- Fixed problem in exporting 8-bit slides and slides with transparency in Slide Show component.
- Fixed several SVG import problems.
- Fixed dynamic text embed font punctuation.
- Fixed display of menu item Edit > Delete Shape.
Version 5.7.2 12/28/06
- Added automatic centering of animation in Text Effects and Animated Clip Art preview windows.
- Extended action script variable names and movie clip/dynamic text/component object names to include non-ANSI characters.
- Extended action script editor to handle non-ANSI characters.
- Fixed scripting problem associated with using a function that normally returns a value in a situation where the return value is not used.
- Fixed fade in/out effect for symbol shape with a gradient fill.
- Fixed Load Dynamic Text so it works inside movie clips.
- Fixed crashing problem when select upper/right close button on font properties popup for a component.
- Fixed crashing problem when change ease in/out property for a shape inside a movie clip or a button state with preview all unchecked.
- Fixed crashing problem on export associated with deleted text inside a library movie clip.
- Fixed 3D Sticks script divide by zero problem for large text.
Version 5.7.1 11/29/06
- Fixed 3D Effects window so resizing window works.
- Fixed font selection in Text Message Preloader.
- Fixed Export Movie > As Frame Capture to remove remnants of web browser frame.
Version 5.7.0 11/25/06
- Added Space Evenly functionality (Shape > Space Evenly).
- Added saving/restoring of application's window state.
- Added Delete in All Frames right-click option in Timeline.
- Added ability to draw horizontal/vertical lines by holding down SHIFT key while drawing.
- Added "Paste Shapes Complete Copy" menu item with short cut Ctrl+W.
- Increased swf export buffer, used in compressing wav and jpg elements of swf, to 2 Mb.
- Eliminated question about sharing frames/button states or making a complete copy when pasting into a frame that doesn't already contain the object to avoid confusion.
- Fixed action script error for {path:"xx", data:"xx"}.
- Fixed several svg import problems, the major one associated with close path command for complicated paths.
- Fixed an object naming problem in copy/pasting a button to the same frame.
- Fixed problem with getting proper background color from a Flash 8 swf, affecting 'add flash movie to web page' html code.
- Fixed displacement of image fill relative to shape for certain sitations, mainly swfs, imported as editable movies.
- Fixed some minor problems with static and dynamic text in swfs, imported as editable movies.
Version 5.6.3 10/20/06
- Fixed crashing problem when close Dynamic Text font/text dialog by clicking on X close button, introduced in 5.6.
Version 5.6.2 10/19/06
- Fixed gradient color picker problem when using color dropper on a dynamic text box.
- Fixed several problems associated with delete object and Properties dialog.
Version 5.6.1 10/12/06
- Fixed fade in/out effect problem for symbols, introduced in 5.6.
Version 5.6.0 10/03/06
- Added ease in/out option (Properties popup).
- Added 26 additional 3D effects.
- Added compression to .fun file with option to save in old format (File > Preferences) -- old files will open OK; new files will not open in older versions of KoolMoves.
- Added user option for number of undo levels (File > Preferences).
- Added ability to specify parameters to pass to a swf object in Properties popup.
- Added _sans, _serif, _typewriter font options for dynamic text and components.
- Added message popup if exporting as Flash 8, local playback security with value local with one or more http:// getUrl urls.
- Added option in File > Preferences to suppress ftp help popup after swf/html export.
- Improved bones behavior (added bones orientation and restrained bone movement to rotation about rotation point) -- more improvements to come later.
- Refined some of the toolbar icons.
- Removed folder selection from web interfaces screen and other library screens because it causes confusion.
- Increased minimum allowable value for 3D focal length to 100 to avoid code problems.
- Fixed 3D light angle problem.
- Fixed problem reading in svg file.
- Fixed setMode function of the SlideShow component.
- Fixed bug in the Button component.
- Fixed export problem associated with image button inside a symbol library movie clip.
- Fixed fscommand action script function so it accepts a variable second argument.
- Fixed gotoAndPlay with two arguments.
- Fixed problem with rendering in main movie scaled image converted to a movie clip.
Version 5.5.0 7/21/06
- Added 14 new 3D effects.
- Added slide show text overlays, slide/sound timing options, externally loaded images and sounds.
- Added slide show component as the primary method for creating a slide show in Wizards gui mode > New Slide Show.
- Added parameter to 3D effects to reduce the number of shape points.
- Added parameter to 3D effects to change hue per animation frame.
- Added action script "fscommand".
- Added Frames > Default Tweens menu item to Basic mode menu.
- Saved pivot point of rotation transform for each rotated shape.
- Added ability to morph about rotation pivot point if it is present.
- Saved grid options.
- Improved import of svg files by handling transform, opacity, and arc tags and by fixing several other problems.
- Improved import of eps and emf files by importing bitmap data.
- Changed maximum movie size back to 2880 x 2880.
- Doubled the size of the swf output buffer.
- Fixed small inconsistency with comb box component.
- Fixed problem with gotoAndxxxx in exporting and importing swfs when the argument is a variable.
- Fixed Cursor Write On motion script to reduce cpu load.
- Fixed problem with vertical alignment of button component text.
- Fixed a small problem with the shading of the pause button of the Slide Show component.
- Fixed a small problem in executing 3D effect scripts that showed up for long text, even number of letters.
- Fixed crashing problem for nested motion scripts.
- Fixed display of movie clip object so dashed boxes of contained objects don't display.
- Fixed minor problems with sound and image library screens.
- Fixed some omissions in movie dependencies screen.
Version 5.4.3 6/1/06
- Added clipping of exported shapes to insure they are not too large for the Flash player.
- Changed maximum movie size to 2024 x 2024 in line with Flash.
Version 5.4.2 5/29/06
- Fixed dynamic text variable name so it exports correctly if name is an empty string - again.
Version 5.4.1 5/27/06
- Increased the minimum value for the focal length in 3D effects to avoid a Flash player problem.
Version 5.4 5/18/06
- Added a 3D effects engine and 3 effect scripts with a gui similar to motion scripts.
- Added fix for Internet Explorer "click to active control" message.
- Added What's New inquiry in Help > Update Software.
- Fixed dynamic text variable name so it exports correctly if name is an empty string.
- Fixed key frame scroll bar problem after converting tween to key frame.
- Fixed several text preloader issues: alphabetized fonts and made styles appropriate for font.
Version 5.3.2 4/23/06
- Added icons for slideshow component.
Version 5.3.1 4/16/06
- Version 5.3 was compiled by accident as unicode which cannot be run by Win 98/ME.
Version 5.3 4/12/06
- Added slide show component.
- Added extra decimal in displaying Sx, Sy, Rb, Rc on status bar.
- Added web interfaces menu item back to Basic gui mode.
- Fixed action script constant pool so it will handle up to 64K constants.
- Fixed problem with saving images in action script symbol library.
- Fixed problem with replacing dissimilar objects in symbol library.
- Fixed problem with replacing frame sound with same sound.
Version 5.2.5 3/22/06
- Fixed preloader hang problem (introduced in an earlier 5.x version) with using a .fun file preloader that has only 1 key frame.
Version 5.2.4 3/10/06
- Fixed crashing problem when copy/paste group with Movie Overview open.
Version 5.2.3 2/24/06
- Changed application logo and toolbar icons for effects.
- Fixed frame-by-frame capability in some of the Flash 8 filter effect parameters.
- Fixed several problems with importing swfs as editable movies.
- Fixed a font inconsistency in Flash 8 combo box component.
Version 5.2.2
- Added wizards for text and image effects to Wizards mode.
- Improved preview display in Motion Script Effects window by setting scroll bar positions.
- Fixed swf export if a motion script effect is applied to a shape that exists only in the last frame.
- Fixed motion script problem associated with rare shape naming situation.
Version 5.2.1
- Fixed problem with gradient bar preloader.
- Fixed problem with filter effects applied to dynamic text.
Version 5.2
- Added customizable gradient bar preloader.
- Added ability to test preloader at different download speeds.
- Added upgrade capability (Help > Upgrade).
- Added Flash 8 filter effects.
- Added Flash 8 blend mode effect.
- Added Flash 8 bitmap caching.
- Added 4 motion scripts -- Alpha Bars, Alpha Letters, Clockwise Sweep, Shapes.
- Added reason button next to minimum Flash version required in Export Settings window.
- Added check boxes to effects menu items to indicate if an effect is present.
- Added 95 as upper limit on Jpeg quality factor to avoid a buffer overflow message.
- Added Flash 8 local playback security option in Export Settings.
- Added check on Windows version to set OpenGL in Preferences.
- Added more hide auto hide scroll bar options to components.
- Fixed problem with displaying extended characters in Content Pane and dynamic text.
Version 5.1.8
- Fixed problem with exporting a movie clip with a clipping depth.
- Fixed problem with doing complete copy of a movie clip in the symbol library.
- Fixed problem associated with error message "expected $lds$ tag" on opening file.
- Fixed problem on opening file when there is a symbol library movie clip in the edit copy buffer
- Fixed refresh problem with List of Shapes in button states.
- Updated component file kc8.fun to include autoHide for Content Pane text content.
Version 5.1.7
- Fixed problem with button sounds not being saved.
Version 5.1.6
- Added "Enable OpenGL rendering" option to Draw/Selection page of Preferences.
- Added more problem/solutions to FAQ.
Version 5.1.5
- Fixed export problem after recoloring shape symbol in button state.
- Fixed problem with deleting symbol in symbol library.
- Fixed problem with play directory.
Version 5.1.4
- Added "Set Play Directory" menu item and removed automatic pop up of directory selector when the application thought it was necessary.
- Rearranged placement of Items and Content properties in Properties popup for Content Pane, List Box, and Combo Box objects for consistency reasons.
- Fixed bug in component code associated with tag in html text.
Version 5.1.3
- Fixed problem with transformed symbol shape with a motion script.
- Fixed problem with preview animation sometimes playing in the wrong directory.
- Fixed problem introduced in 5.1 associated with with exporting button action script.
Version 5.1.2
- Added ability to add shape drop shadow in a button state.
- Removed warning message added in 5.1 associated with image transparency.
- Forced export to Flash 8 if Flash 8 motion script or component is used even if less than Flash 8 was selected.
- Fixed problem introduced in 5.1 associated with exporting swf elements as needed rather than at front of swf.
- Fixed problem introduced in 5.1 associated with button states created prior to version 4.7.
Version 5.1.1
- Fixed problem with changing shape color in all frames with selection scope set to all frames.
Version 5.1
- Added Flash 8 content pane, list box, push button objects updating previous Flash 6 objects with expanded functionality and improved look -- content pane accepts a wide range of content which can be formated as multiple pages with transitions.
- Added Flash 8 combo box and slider objects.
- Added component page to symbol library with Flash 8 combo box, content pane, list box, push button, slider, switch components.
- Added button page to symbol library.
- Added 2 Flash 8 motion script effects.
- Added Effects icon with fly-out toolbar to tools toolbar.
- Added embedded font capability for dynamic text.
- Added leading capability for dynamic text.
- Added bitwise xor action script command.
- Added #initclip/#endinitclip action script commands.
- Added onClipEvent(construct) Flash 7 action script command.
- Added ability to create a movie clip from inside the symbol library using New button.
- Added color coding to object bounding box corners - blue for buttons, green for movie clips, pink for swfs and flvs.
- Added ability to add dynamic text to a button state.
- Added ability to copy/paste into, out of, and between button states.
- Added new button and convert to button icons to tool toolbar.
- Added saving of directory path between sessions for previewing animations that reference other files.
- Rewrote all button code -- up state is now edited like over and down states and buttons are a separate kind of object like movie clips.
- Improved rendering of shapes in quality (thick borders/lines and anti-aliasing of borders/lines) and in performance (image display in particular).
- Improved wording for several action script editor error messages.
- Corrected for minor image shifts in main movie, in movie clip, in button, in button in movie clip within 1/2 pixel accuracy for swfs exported as versions 6 thru 8.
- Decreased transition Zoom In/Out default zoom from 5000% to 500% to avoid crashing problems.
- Removed obsolete Renumber icon from List of Frames.
- Changed behavior of Blur motion script so it is blank before effect starts.
- Fixed action script object initializer expression {_x:x}.
- Fixed zoom dragged rectangle.
- Fixed inconsistent restrictions throughout the application on what types of objects can have motion scripts applied.
- Fixed refresh problem with Effects page of timeline when certain view popups are open.
- Fixed some problems with Movie Overview and improved navigation into/out of button sates.
- Fixed missing font styles for preloader text options.
- Fixed Numeric transform so width and height can have decimal values.
- Fixed problem with '/' in text name preventing applied motion script from working.
- Fixed problem with '\' and '"' characters in Flash 6 list box item and button label text.
- Fixed 1 pixel discrepancy between Numeric Transform width/height and Status Bar width/height for components.
- Fixed a crash problem for a bad action script syntax situation.
- Fixed a problem with frame count after an undo of adding library animated clipart.
- Fixed a problem with current frame/scene changing when importing frames into a scene other than the first.
- Fixed Library Button Gallery so it get be accessed inside a movie clip.
- Fixed selection from Library Button Gallery so all elements of up appearance are moved into the Up state.
- Fixed loading of action script code from fun file so lines up to 10240 bytes long will not be truncated.
Version 5.0.5
- Fixed crashing problem when select shape from Movie Overview, move shape, and then reselect a shape.
Version 5.0.4
- Fixed several problems associated with hiding and locking shapes.
- Fixed line spacing problem for multi-line text with motion script when line spacing is different than 100%.
- Fixed problem with Sweeping Highlight motion script.
Version 5.0.3
- Fixed several problems on importing swf files as editable movies originating from changes in version 5.0.
Version 5.0.2
- Changed background color of canvas to background color of web interface when one is imported.
- Fixed getProperty and setProperty action script commands which will solve a lot of Flash 4 legacy code problems.
- Fixed createEmptyMovieClip, attachMovie, and duplicateMovieClip to return 'this' pointers.
Version 5.0.1
- Changed go-back arrow in movie clip screen to an up arrow.
- Fixed some problems with going into and out of nested movie clips.
Version 5.0
- Added movie clip symbol library enabling attachMovie action script.
- Added Preferences option to automatically add newly created movie clips to symbol library.
- Added sound link id association table enabling attachSound action script.
- Added link id association table in action script editor.
- Added 14 additional motion script effects (bar slide in, blur 2, blur and fade, cross, cursor write on, explosion, frame, mouse sensitivity, mouse trail, moving bars, particles, rising water, scratchy video, sparkles).
- Added pause-before-effect-starts parameter to 28 motion scripts.
- Added 8 additional web interfaces (thanks to flashflow.be).
- Added ability to add curvature to point by point drawing by dragging mouse before releasing mouse on each point.
- Added tapered line styles to line shapes in Cartooning mode.
- Added scenes.
- Added Add to Group capability.
- Added ability to stay in action script editor if a syntax error is found on clicking OK.
- Added more hot key associations.
- Added editable dynamic text variable name to dynamic text Properties window.
- Added wmode transparent option to html export settings.
- Added FAQ under Help.
- Added Move Up and Move Down right click menu items on Timeline (better behavior will be tackled next version).
- Added Morphing Hints to shape properties.
- Added in Preferences > Toolbars the ability to turn off constraints on positioning of view popups for dual monitor situation.
- Added Flash 8 export capability.
- Added Next Frame and Previous Frame menu items with PagegUp and PageDown shortcuts.
- Added a Configure Wizard (under File) which configures the application to the user's task and skill level.
- Added capability to draw n-sided stars and n-sided polygons.
- Added an Interactive KoolMoves Tutorial wizard under Help.
- Added Add Flash Movie to Web Page wizard in File > Export Movie.
- Added Diagnose Server Problems wizard in File > Export Movie.
- Added option to copy frame's actions when copying a frame.
- Added ability to insert a koolmoves animation into a button state.
- Added Simple Task Assistant under Help.
- Added ability to replace a movie clip globally with another movie clip through the new symbol library.
- Added saving between sessions of show actions and show sounds in Movie Overview.
- Changed registration key validation (a new key will be required for this version but keys for prior versions will not be disturbed).
- Changed default value of zlib compression of swf from off to on for export at Flash 6 or higher.
- Extended Play in Web Browser to play a movie clip.
- Extended action script editor syntax coloring to an almost complete vocabulary.
- Redesigned toolbar icons.
- Rearranged some tool icons.
- Raised minimum Flash version export from 4 to 5.
- Raised default Flash version export to 6.
- Raised maximum limit on FPS to 60 from 32.
- Raised SWF-too-big warning from 3Mb to 5Mb.
- Removed Play in Internal Player menu items (but kept Ctrl+Enter hot key association and single step mode) -- with more usage of action scripting, it becomes less meaningful.
- Improved SWF import as an editable movie so movie clips referenced more than once are imported.
- Improved retention of floating view screens as move into and out of movie clips and button states.
- Improved anti-aliasing of borderless shapes in editing screen.
- Fixed small section of code that caused problems with Windows 95 and Windows NT.
- Fixed new movie clip/dynamic text naming problem after deleting previous name.
- Fixed indent display of nested groups in Score/timeline.
- Fixed refresh problem associated with current frame pointer in List of Frames.
- Fixed morphing problem with a line that grows in points frame by frame.
- Fixed problems with Reveal One by One, Slide In, and Blinds motion script effects if used as exit effects.
- Fixed motion script decimal parameters for Windows versions that use a comma as the decimal point.
- Fixed renaming of frames in Movie Overview.
- Fixed shape selection problem associated with selection in all frames and retain selection between frames option.
- Fixed situation where a selected point did not respond to arrow key commands.
- Fixed missing display of point selection on status bar.
Version 4.7.6
- Fixed problem with Play in Web Browser in Wizard mode when no frame scroll bar is present.
Version 4.7.5
- Fixed problem with missing images in export under certain circumstances.
- Fixed FLV custom size height/width switch.
Version 4.7.4
- Fixed problem with renaming shape when dialog box closed by pressing Enter.
Version 4.7.3
- Fixed missing font styles for certain fonts when adding/editing text.
- Fixed 1 pixel image offset problem for Flash 7 export.
Version 4.7.2
- Fixed a problem associated with clicking on an already selected shape in the List of Shapes.
- Fixed a vertical 1 pixel offset problem with images inside movie clips.
Version 4.7.1
- Fixed a problem with importing a swf as an editable movie.
Version 4.7
- Added Flash 7 export capability.
- Added FLV Flash Video import capability.
- Added syntax coloring to the action script editor.
- Added ability in the action script editor to add code snippets from a class tree.
- Added find, find again, replace, undo, redo capability to the action script editor.
- Added ability to resize Motion Script screen.
- Added scale/rotation information on status bar for symbol shapes.
- Added redisplay of previous View popups after exiting button state.
- Added selection of top most shape when entering a button state.
- Added refresh of Properties popup when copying shapes to end or beginning.
- Added koolmoves.ini file to aid in providing execution history if a bug is encountered in the release version.
- Removed restriction in button state on copy/paste within the button state.
- Changed component export so kcomponents.swf is no longer required and 2 frames are no longer added to the beginning of the swf.
- Updated javascript code in exported html page.
- Replaced code that creates relative and absolute file paths.
- Fixed problem with button state that drifts on play back.
- Fixed file path problem in copy/pasting movie clips containing images/sounds.
- Fixed problem in opening files containing Japanese text.
- Fixed refresh problem with Duration button on Frame Actions and Sounds screen.
- Fixed problem with Motion Script screen involving motion script Ripple.
- Fixed a masked icon display problem in Score page of Timeline under some situations.
- Fixed slow save behavior in networked environment.
- Fixed problem with bad fillcolor value resulting from an imported swf.
Version 4.6.5
- Fixed problem of previewing motion scripts inside a movie clip.
- Fixed problem introduced in 4.5 of importing a .fun file into a movie clip.
- Fixed problem introduced in 4.6 of editing text for listbox, checkbox, button components.
Version 4.6.4
- Reverted to link heap setting prior to 4.6.
Version 4.6.3
- Fixed missing font style problem introduced in 4.6.
Version 4.6.2
- Fixed a timeline crashing problem by eliminating double-click functionality.
Version 4.6.1
- Fixed problem that occurs when a button is in a group and the button states are edited.
Version 4.6
- Added ability to import 24 bit images with alpha channel.
- Added ability to adjust tweens in Actions and Sounds dialog.
- Added Print action script command.
- Added frame-to-frame color morphing capability for text with a motion script effect.
- Added Mark of Web option in Preferences > Play.
- Redesigned Add Text and Add Dynamic Text windows in preparation for adding rich text.
- Reduced user interface graphic load through some reprogramming.
- Improved Play in Web Browser screen by sizing the screen to the size of the swf.
- Eliminated refresh of View screens when a shape or point is dragged.
- Made a change that will hopefully eliminate inappropriate "missing kcomponents.swf" message in movie.
- Fixed paintbucket solid color preview for symbol shapes.
- Fixed temp file path problem when running XP as a local user.
- Fixed potential duplication of font/image/sound data in swf.
- Fixed problem with export setting of "put image and sound data just before they are needed".
- Fixed problem of empty over/down buttom states.
- Fixed cropping of button actions/sounds paged dialog box for Windows 2000.
- Fixed several 1 pixel alignment problems with images inside movie clips.
Version 4.5.7
- Fixed several problems with group buttons.
- Fixed several problems with group bones.
- Fixed problem with bones inside movie clip.
- Fixed positioning problem with text in wireframe mode.
- Fixed several problems with movie clip button states in Movie Overview.
Version 4.5.6
- Fixed image offset problem when converting tween to key frame in single step play mode.
- Fixed out of memory problem when importing as an object a swf that has labelled frames with import options checked.
Version 4.5.5
- Fixed several problems with importing swf as an editable movie.
Version 4.5.4
- Fixed problem with missing or bad over/down button states for export setting of "put image and sound data just before they are needed".
Version 4.5.3
- Fixed Internet Explorer 6 security warning.
Version 4.5.2
- Fixed problems with newly added motion scripts.
Version 4.5.1
- Fixed problem with repopulating list of files or directories in the library screens and insert fun file screen.
Version 4.5
- Added 7 more motion scripts.
- Added 4 more web interfaces.
- Added ability to make group of shapes a button.
- Added ability to have multiple shapes in a button state.
- Added another method of screen capture that captures from a playing swf.
- Added Navigation Overview.
- Added saving of default tweens value.
- Added ability to use button names in action script.
- Added import options to import swf as an object.
- Added display of object names for some object types.
- Added choice of pixels or points for text size.
- Added color samples to Fill Dialog.
- Added hot key (Ctrl+F) and menu item for editing movie clip frames.
- Improved rendering of text in the display environment.
- Redesigned with new code the screens for Text Effects Templates, Web Interfaces, Buttons, Clip Art, Animated Clip Art, and Insert KoolMoves Movie.
- Changed behavior of Numeric Transform; an Apply button has been added.
- Fixed several minor resource leaks.
- Fixed refresh problem with Movie Overview and Score if shape name is changed in List of Shapes.
- Fixed crashing problem from multi-byte characters in importing a swf as an editable movie.
- Fixed crashing problem from multiple fonts associated with a single text object in importing a swf as an editable movie.
Version 4.4.5
- Fixed problem editing a shape that has zero X and Y scaling and zero rotation.
- Fixed problem in Basic user interface mode in copying up state to an over state for a text button.
Version 4.4.4
- Fixed frame navigation slider when going from one frame movie clip button state back to main movie.
- Fixed masking problem associated with movie overview.
Version 4.4.3
- Fixed full justification of text problem introduced in version 4.4.
Version 4.4.2
- Fixed more problems with importing swfs as editable movies.
Version 4.4.1
- Fixed problem with kcomponents.swf missing message.
Version 4.4
- Added 25 new motion scripts using a more powerful effects engine.
- Added folder selection for images and sounds when importing a swf.
- Added saving between sessions of font name and size for text.
- Added popup menu for Add Frame toolbar button.
- Added alignment positioning text motion script effects.
- Added color and transparency morphing for symbols to imported swf as an editable movie.
- Added more context help.
- Added a new option to changing movie width and height.
- Added a positioning option and context help to Numeric transform.
- Fixed some problems with Numeric transform.
- Fixed swf export so preloader movie actions function.
- Fixed button behavior so states will function without any defined actions .
- Improved importing swf as an editable movie by reducing number of missing elements (text and images).
- Fixed a problem with transparency motion script parameters.
- Fixed a minor display problem involving List of Frames and current frame arrow.
- Fixed pan behavior when a shape transform is active.
- Fixed potential positioning problem with motion scripts applied to a movie clip.
- Fixed several low probability motion script situations.
- Fixed parameter range testing in Motion Scripts dialog.
- Fixed text placement in importing swf as an editable movie.
- Refixed Export Settings involving Flash 6 options.
Version 4.3.5
- Fixed more problems with importing swfs as editable movies.
- Fixed Export Settings so can't set Flash 6 options and have them remained checked if select a lesser version.
Version 4.3.4
- Improved cleanup of unused shapes on opening file.
- Fixed a focus problem after changing zoom, pan, or tweens.
Version 4.3.3
- Fixed a crashing problem for imported swf associated with List of Frames.
Version 4.3.2
- Add ability to preview entire movie or just the effect in the motion scripts screen.
- Fixed action script and a crashing problem for imported swf.
Version 4.3.1
- Fixed gradient, action script, and a crashing problem for imported swf.
- Fixed problem with tween icon on list of frames dialog.
Version 4.3
- Added import of SWF as an editable movie (far from perfect).
- Added new logo.
- Added slide show wizard in wizard skill mode.
- Added ability to rotate/scale/translate gradients and images within the paint bucket fill screen.
- Added ability to set the interval between key frames in seconds or tweens.
- Added ability to shift actions and sounds right and left along the timeline.
- Added 2 more web templates.
- Added ability to test play a MP3 file.
- Added ability to make a movie clip a mask.
- Added ability to convert all occurrences of a shape to a symbol.
- Added warning message to swf if components are included and kcomponents.swf cannot be loaded.
- Added tooltip component.
- Added ability to set frame duration in List of Frames.
- Added loadVariablesNum action script action.
- Added cut/copy/paste shapes back to right click popup.
- Color coded the different editing environments.
- Reduced resource useage by removing and consolidating several toolbars, etc..
- Improved display of image positions in Background Image dialog by making them relative to the upper, left corner of the movie frame.
- Improved internal memory management in more areas.
- Improved Motion Script screen.
- Fixed display and behavior of Set Point Position screen.
- Fixed display of shadow on a symbol under zoom on the editing canvas.
- Fixed in Numeric Transform screen rounding off of position for non text symbols.
- Fixed preview in paint bucket fill for symbol shapes.
- Fixed discrepancy between size of dynamic text in KoolMoves text dialog and size of dynamic text in Flash player.
- Fixed refresh problem with Cancel button on resizing action script editor.
- Fixed problem with importing some compressed SWFs.
- Fixed right click problem in Actions and Sounds window if frame is not first selected.
- Fixed problem in changing center of gradient in all frames when selection scope is all frames.
- Fixed problems in Movie Overview associated with double frame deletion from main navigation bar and clipboard items.
Version 4.2.5
- Fixed inability to save when motion script is applied to non-text shapes and other shapes are present.
Version 4.2.4
- Fixed random problem associated with adding new frame followed immediately by deleting frame.
Version 4.2.3
- Fixed random problem associated with previewing/exporting motion scripts.
Version 4.2.2
- Fixed resource leak.
- Fixed frame count in goto frame action if components are used and a preloader is not used.
Version 4.2.1
- Improved internal memory management in a few key areas.
- Fixed Windows 95 compatibility problem.
- Fixed hang problem in animations using components running on a Unix server.
- Fixed problem in which movie frame is dragged while editing a movie clip.
Version 4.2
- Added interface components (scroll pane, list box, check box, push button, scroll bar, database query object).
- Added ability to apply motion script effects to objects other than text.
- Added Office XP style menus.
- Added Flash MX compression capability.
- Added Play Portion of Movie functionality.
- Added 2 more web interfaces and 1 more clip art item.
- Added a lot more examples to the Examples folder which is now downloadable.
- Added hex color edit box on solid color screen.
- Added right click popup menu specific to point editing.
- Added point selection coordinates to status bar.
- Added screen after drawing/importing that prompts if the object should be added to other frames.
- Improved Transition Effects screen.
- Improved Spin/Rotate Effects screen.
- Improved Motion Script Effects screen.
- Improved Can't Find Image or Sound screen.
- Improved gradient color screen.
- Switched preloader code to bytes loaded from Flash 4 frames loaded.
- Fixed action script ++ and -- of properties like _y.
- Fixed action script #include inside an on mouse or movie clip event.
- Fixed problem with inserting a movie that has images.
- Fixed mysterious Win2K problem when creating a complete copy of a movie clip.
- Fixed several problems with importing SVG graphics.
- Fixed an edit undo problem associated with adding new frames.
- Fixed Flash 4 duplicateMovieClip.
- Fixed display of movie clip paths in Movie Overview when there are multiple movie clips in a single movie.
- Fixed changing of tween frame count when copying a shape from current frame to next in the Score.
- Removed reference to _root in internal preloader code.
- Fixed rendering of shapes with applied effects in storyboard page.
Version 4.1.1
- Fixed movie frame repositioning problem while zoomed.
Version 4.1
- Added GIF import.
- Added SVG import (so far ignores images, gradients, arcs, trefs, transforms, shortcut bezier tags, animation tags, and probably more).
- Added SVG export (ignores images and gradients).
- Added Wizards skill level interface.
- Added Tip of the Day.
- Added action script bit operators.
- Added Delete Frame menu item.
- Added ability to cut/copy/paste between movie clips.
- Added ability to paste a complete copy of a movie clip.
- Added limits on saved canvas position when opening the application.
- Switched to Inno Installer.
- Redesigned portions of the code to use fewer windows resources.
- Redesigned Text Effects Template, Animated Clip Art and Insert Movie screens with context help and an expanding advanced section.
- Redesigned Actions and Sounds Overview.
- Improved shape point selectability at large zoom.
- Fixed cut/copy/paste between fun files which was accidentally disabled in the prior version.
- Fixed a memory link in Movie Overview.
- Fixed a file corruption problem if closing application and then saving while in a button state.
- Fixed problem with navigation scroll bar upper limit when exiting movie clip for main movie.
- Fixed problem with button inside a movie clip with a goto action to an unlabelled frame with a main movie preloader.
- Fixed disk drive combo box problem for insert movie dialog.
- Fixed a problem in converting shapes to groups under certain situations.
- Fixed a problem in exported swf for symbol shapes with gradient fills in certain situations.
- Fixed missing PNG transparency for some Paint Shop Pro images.
- Fixed bad last row or column in an image due to a round-off problem.
- Fixed an erroneous exceeded swf buffer size message that can occur under certain circumstances.
- Fixed behavior of eye dropper on color selection for draw options.
- Fixed problem with displaying motion script examples if the fun file was opened outside KoolMoves.
Version 4.0.3
- Fixed display of drop shadow on copied symbol shape in swf.
Version 4.0.2
- Fixed display of frame in Go To Frame Dialog after frames are moved around.
- Fixed small icon toolbar problem in Cartooning mode.
- Fixed draw as symbol preference for Cartooning mode.
- Fixed memory leak associated with selecting a web interface, button, and imported swf object.
Version 4.0.1
- Fixed improper display of border color for shape symbols.
- Fixed random crashing on closing Score/Timeline popup.
- Fixed crashing problem when importing vector graphic or swf files in the cartooning mode.
Version 4.0
- Added view tabbed pages to Score popup.
- Added context help to many of the major screens.
- Added 3 skills level tabs to the top toolbar.
- Added streaming capability to MP3 frame sound.
- Added 5 more web interfaces.
- Added an option on Movie Overview to display the entire movie or only the current timeline.
- Added an Export Settings screen which combines several former menu items.
- Added on <mouse event> to possible movie clip actions -- before the improper syntax was onClipEvent(<mouse event>).
- Increased size of top toolbar icons and removed some icons (previous toolbar is an option in Preferences).
- Made main toolbar the same for all skill levels.
- Fixed 1 pixel vertical offset problem for images in movie clips.
- Fixed drop shadow on a line.
- Fixed several dynamic text with scrollbar problems.
- Fixed problem with closing collapsed view popups that caused uncollapsed view dialog to require double clicking .
- Fixed problem with exporting dynamic text as Flash 6 by creating a variable name equal to the object (instance) name + 'var'.
- Fixed several Movie Overview shape selection problems.
What's new in Kool Wizard
What's New in KoolMoves | What's New in KoolWizard
Version 1.9 11/11/09
- Added Flash 9/10 export and a Flash 9/10 slide show object with additional skins.
- Added ability to carry forward previous slide information when adding slides to a slide show.
- Added support for assigning a hyperlink to a slide show image.
- Improved Diagnose Server Problems by adding more diagnostic information and renamed the menu item Diagnose Web Page Problems -- one of the most common support issues.
- Added shuffle property SlideShow objects.
- Added links to support page tutorials for some of the context help pages.
- Fixed display of Movie Overview after a button is deleted.
- Replaced many of the program icons for a cleaner look.
- In the swf export screen, added a display of files that need to reside on the server.
- Added a second javascript approach using swfobject.js for defining the swf file in the html file.
- Added full screen mode as a html export option.
- Changed default for movie looping from true to false.
- Increased a swf export buffer from 2Mb to 3Mb.
- Fixed a round off problem in displaying objects on the stage with zoom greater than 1.
- Added email button action.
- Fixed layout of navigation bar when application opens after previously resized smaller.
Version 1.3.1 03/16/08
- Changed name from FlashyEffects to KoolWizard.
Version 1.3.1 07/11/07
- Fixed problem introduced in 1.3 with motion script behavior with text.
- Fixed error message in Numeric Transform if -0.0 is entered for x or y position.
- Fixed error in Numeric Transform with "absolute all frames" checked if Apply pressed more than once.
- Changed behavior of script selection in Add Text screens so selection changes to script of user's country on font change.
Version 1.3 05/28/07
- Added capability in exported html code to define a sub-directory for the swf and imported files.
- Fixed problem with the value of Position/Scale property after adding an object to the canvas with the Properties window visible.
- Fixed problem with slight blurriness in images with a motion script effect for Flash 8 export.
- Added two slide options (embed/load and scale/crop) to the slide show wizard.
- Added getURL(clickTAG) button action for Google ads.
- Added Flash 8 meta data for search engines.
- Added Scale/Resize to right-click popup.
- Added additional context help and improved others.
- Added several more task specific hints.
- Reorganized Transforms menu items for greater clarity.
- Disabled properties in Properties popup that are not available for button states.
- Fixed problem with disappearing object when the object has effects and is converted to a button.
- Fixed problem with typing in name of image file without an extension in file browser.
- Fixed Swf File Statistics to display sizes in terms of the compressed file rather than uncompressed file.
- Fixed coloring problem with exporting 24bit with alpha channel images with jpeg compression.
- Fixed problem with missing alpha channel when the same 32bit png is used more than once.
Version 1.2.1 03/4/07
- Fixed problem with a temp file being written my mistake to c root directory which is a Vista issue.
- Fixed problem with KoolMoves opening briefly and then minimizing.
- Fixed problem with using apostrophe in slide show caption.
Version 1.2.0 1/22/07
- Fixed problem with Cursor Blinking property of Cursor Write On motion script effect.
- Fixed problem in exporting 8-bit slides and slides with transparency in Slide Show component.
- Fixed display of menu item Edit > Delete Shape.
- Added automatic centering of animation in Text Effects and Animated Clip Art preview windows.
- Fixed fade in/out effect for symbol shape with a gradient fill.
- Fixed font selection in Text Message Preloader.
- Fixed Export Movie > As Frame Capture to remove remnants of web browser frame.
- Added saving/restoring of application's window state.
- Added Delete in All Frames right-click option in Timeline.
- Added ability to draw horizontal/vertical lines by holding down SHIFT key while drawing.
- Increased swf export buffer, used in compressing wav and jpg elements of swf, to 2 Mb.
- Eliminated question about sharing frames/button states or making a complete copy when pasting into a frame that doesn't already contain the object to avoid confusion.
- Fixed an object naming problem in copy/pasting a button to the same frame.
- Fixed several problems associated with delete object and Properties dialog.
- Fixed fade in/out effect problem for symbols.
- Added compression to .fun file with option to save in old format (File > Preferences) -- old files will open OK; new files will not open in older versions of KoolMoves.
- Added user option for number of undo levels (File > Preferences).
- Added message popup if exporting as Flash 8, local playback security with value local with one or more http:// getUrl urls.
- Added option in File > Preferences to suppress ftp help popup after swf/html export.
- Removed folder selection from web interfaces screen and other library screens because it causes confusion.
Version 1.1.0 8/1/06
- Added slide show text overlays, slide/sound timing options, externally loaded images and sounds.
- Added slide show component as the primary method for creating a slide show in Wizards gui mode > New Slide Show.
- Added Frames > Default Tweens menu item to Basic mode menu.
- Saved pivot point of rotation transform for each rotated shape.
- Added ability to morph about rotation pivot point if it is present.
- Saved grid options.
- Improved import of svg files by handling transform, opacity, and arc tags and by fixing several other problems.
- Improved import of eps and emf files by importing bitmap data.
- Doubled the size of the swf output buffer.
- Fixed Cursor Write On motion script to reduce cpu load.
- Fixed crashing problem for nested motion scripts.
- Fixed some omissions in movie dependencies screen.
- Added clipping of exported shapes to insure they are not too large for the Flash player.
- Added fix for Internet Explorer "click to active control" message.
- Added What's New inquiry in Help > Update Software.
- Fixed several text preloader issues: alphabetized fonts and made styles appropriate for font.
- Added extra decimal in displaying Sx, Sy, Rb, Rc on status bar.
- Fixed problem with replacing frame sound with same sound.
- Fixed preloader hang problem with using a .fun file preloader that has only 1 key frame.
- Fixed crashing problem when copy/paste group with Movie Overview open.
Version 1.0 2/20/06
- New product release.